SGC Women’s MET Team 2024

The SGC Women’s MET Team work begins early, with two matches in Series 3 already completed in the Team Match season of the WMGA. 

SGC Women’s MET Team 2024

Silvermine hosted the first match of the 2024 MET Team Match season on Thursday 4/24/ Competing in Series 3, the hoe squad won a solid 8.5 points to Mount Kisco’s 6.5. Well done! Four more matches will be played in the next 2.5 weeks against teams from Whippoorwill, Shorehaven, Scarsdale and Bedford. Good luck Team!!

Thursday’s lineup L-R: Amy Blount, Janet Karabin, Vivian Sweeney, Vyvyan Burns, Samantha Jones.

Silvermine’s 2024 Women’s MET Team completed the Team Match Season last month in a nail biter of a finish.  The point difference between first place Mt. Kisco with 44 points at the top of Series 3, and Silvermine in fourth, was only 1.5 points.   
Next season SGC will remain in Series 3 and compete against Sunningdale, Whippoorwill, Shorehaven, Bedford and Trump Hudson Valley.

Congratulations to Donna Phillips, winner of the 2024 WWPD (What Would Poppy Do?) Award.   Donna’s Team commitment and competitive spirit delivered meaningful results in a highly competitive series.

Match #5 Line up L–R: Vyv Burns, Amy Blount, Janet Karabin, Susan Sergo, Donna Phillips